Fern:Sicht Bachelor Exhibition on the 08.04.16 in Cologne

Fern:Sicht are 7 Photographers from Germany who came together to exhibit their Bachelors Project on the 08.04.16 in Cologne, Germany.

Here is the Webiste and the Facebook Event.

Der Alltag amerikanischer Ureinwohner im Reservat, Stalinanhänger in Georgien oder das Porträt einer ostwestfälischen Dorfstruktur. Diese und andere Geschichten präsentieren sieben Fotografiestudenten der FH Dortmund in ihrer Absolventen-Ausstellung FERN:SICHT ab dem 08.04.2016 im Alten Pfandhaus, Köln.

Es sind Geschichten über Menschen, die verschiedener kaum sein könnten. In fotografischen Essays und Porträts widmen sich die Fotografen nicht nur dem Blick in die Ferne, sondern werfen auch einen Blick auf das Leben vor unserer Tür. FERN:SICHT zeigt die historische Spurensuche, die Auseinandersetzung mit der eigenen Herkunft, dem Leben und Menschsein und experimentiert mit Formen zeitgenössischer Fotografie sowohl analog als auch digital.

Die sieben Künstler sind Fotografiestudenten der FH Dortmund unter der Betreuung von Prof. Dirk Gebhardt. Neben mehrfachen internationalen und nationalen Publikationen u.a. im Spiegel, New Yorker, CNN haben die Studenten bereits diverse Preise gewonnen.

Gezeigt werden Arbeiten von:

- Benedikt Ziegler
- Felix von der Osten
- Jasper Bastian
- Jan Düfelsiek
- Jann Höfer
- Martin Lamberty
- Sebastian Hopp

08.04.2016 19:00 Uhr

09.04. - 15.04.2016

Sa. - Fr. 12 - 21 Uhr

Altes Pfandhaus
Kartäuserwall 20
D-50678 Köln



Hier ein Behind-the-Scenes Bild wie unsere neuen Profilbilder nach dem Kollodium Nassplattenverfahren (Wetplate) von 1851 entstanden sind. Die Bilder die auf sehr dünnes schwarz lackiertes Aluminium Fotografiert sind, befinden sich hier in der Wässe…

Hier ein Behind-the-Scenes Bild wie unsere neuen Profilbilder nach dem Kollodium Nassplattenverfahren (Wetplate) von 1851 entstanden sind. Die Bilder die auf sehr dünnes schwarz lackiertes Aluminium Fotografiert sind, befinden sich hier in der Wässerungsphase. Dabei werden jegliche Chemischen Rückstände herausgewaschen.
Die Bilder von uns (sog. Tintypes) werden Teil der Ausstellung sein.

Source: http://fernsicht7.de/

Eddie Adams Workshop XXVIII // EAW28

I was very honored to be a part of the Eddie Admas Wokshop this past weekend. I am still recovering from the lack of sleep (from Friday to Tuesday 14h total) and the cold one most certanly get.

For those of you who don’t know EAW, each year 100 students from all over the world are selected based on their portfolios to come and join the barnstorm to meet top editors and photographers for 4 days in Jeffersonville, NY. We were divided into 10 teams of 10 students all led by a teamleader, an editor, a producer and a tech. Every group would then produce bodys of work based on a shared theme. We also listen to countless presentations and lectures from photographers and sponsors. One of the best parts was the 11:30 club, a two night portfolio review for us by professionals in the industry. It was an amazing oppertunity to meet countless photo editors and photographers.

I was very happy and honored to join the Turquoise Team lead by the legendary Ruth Fremson of the New York Times, our team editor Colin Crawford of the Los Angeles Times, our team producer Eric Thayer and our incedible Tech Pete Kiehart.

Amazing Lecture by the super nice Wayne Lawrance. Talking about his project »Orchard Beach: The bronx riviera«.

Amazing Lecture by the super nice Wayne Lawrance. Talking about his project »Orchard Beach: The bronx riviera«.


On the second day we all had to head out and start shooting our assigments found by Eric. I was assigned to go to the Bethel Motor Speedway to photograph a portrait series with a focus on workers at the track. Pro Foto USA borrowed me two B1 heads and an amazing assistent J.T. It was an amazing fun day with a lot of portraits. I even sufaced on various Instagram accounts ;) Stay tuned for the pictures soon...


After a couple hours of photographing our assignments amazing chief Ruth Fremson picked us up and as we were driving we passed the memorial of the first Woodstock festival. It was amazing. We got out of the car and snapped an epic selfie. ( Stuart, …

After a couple hours of photographing our assignments amazing chief Ruth Fremson picked us up and as we were driving we passed the memorial of the first Woodstock festival. It was amazing. We got out of the car and snapped an epic selfie. ( Stuart, Sophia, Me, Ruth, Jeremy)

Photo of 13 Pulitzer Prize winners. They are, from left to right: (back row) Tim Rasmussen, Colin Crawford, John Moore, Adrees Latif, Daniel Berehulak, Tom Kennedy, (front row) Ruth Fremson, Deanne Fitzmaurice, Carolyn Cole, Hal Buell and Jimmy Colt…

Photo of 13 Pulitzer Prize winners. They are, from left to right: (back row) Tim Rasmussen, Colin Crawford, John Moore, Adrees Latif, Daniel Berehulak, Tom Kennedy, (front row) Ruth Fremson, Deanne Fitzmaurice, Carolyn Cole, Hal Buell and Jimmy Colton. With Nick Ut laying across the front row's laps.

The 2nd Day of Shooting at the Bethel Motor Speedway didnt turnes out so well. Instead of a car show absolulty no one was there. So I used the time to relax a little bit from - already at that time - crazy days!

The 2nd Day of Shooting at the Bethel Motor Speedway didnt turnes out so well. Instead of a car show absolulty no one was there. So I used the time to relax a little bit from - already at that time - crazy days!

Eddie Adams Memorial Ceremony to honor members of the photography community who are no longer with us.

Eddie Adams Memorial Ceremony to honor members of the photography community who are no longer with us.

James Nachtwey during his presentation. A living legend! It was amazing to hear and see him talk.

James Nachtwey during his presentation. A living legend! It was amazing to hear and see him talk.

The Turkwah Boyz during the giant bonfire! (Eric, Kevin, Me, Stuart and Pete)

The Turkwah Boyz during the giant bonfire! (Eric, Kevin, Me, Stuart and Pete)

The last nights party was a blast. Poor Cliff passed out in the lobby so everyone started making selfies with him. To defend him - everyone was just exhausted from the last couple of days! (Dr Rock, Cliff & J.T)

The last nights party was a blast. Poor Cliff passed out in the lobby so everyone started making selfies with him. To defend him - everyone was just exhausted from the last couple of days! (Dr Rock, Cliff & J.T)

We all made it onto the EAW XXVIII 6:00 Am Club Group Photo!©Adrees Latif

We all made it onto the EAW XXVIII 6:00 Am Club Group Photo!
©Adrees Latif

The Busride back to NYC. With 1h of sleep or even none it was time to take some rest. If teacher or student didnt matter.

The Busride back to NYC. With 1h of sleep or even none it was time to take some rest. If teacher or student didnt matter.

The beautiful view of something we all didnt experience that much! Team Turkwah 4 eva!

The beautiful view of something we all didnt experience that much! Team Turkwah 4 eva!

Overall I just want to say thank you to all those beautiful peaople who made these crazy days unforgetable!

